In 1937, Rugeley Girls’ Friendly Society got their priorities right. They knew that what their parish hall needed most of all was tea urns. Two of them. So they set about rectifying this terrible lack of facilities. In order to raise the funds needed for this vital equipment, they held a supper and social. The supper comprised of roast beef and vegetables, which does sound more like a dinner than a supper to me. I bet the Andrews Liver Salts were brought out of several cupboards that night. But never mind. Eighty people and their friends benefited from the beautiful serving skills of Miss Degg, Miss Williscroft and Mrs Done. Mr Done provided the entertainment at the piano, assisted by Mr Harvey and Mr Samuels. Despite their best efforts it wasn’t quite enough for the two urns though. Shame. Search for Sarah Miller Walters to see my books
Celebrating the Village and Parish Halls of Middle England